Tuesday 2 October 2012

New Layout

My friend said the polka dots were distracting. Thank heavens for honest friends.

There will nevertheless be no pictures. Go look at kittens elsewhere if you need that kind of thing - I have no time to spare for such lowly matters. Or Twitter. I have no time for Twitter. I don't own a smartphone, I have a small vinyl collection, I like wearing the palest shade of flesh-coloured tights. So sue me.


  1. Very good - still no pictures. BUT - the new layout looks a bit, hmm... ordinary... Anyway, it's still - and always will be - the writing that counts!

  2. I'm still at the polka dot stage meself - I'll miss them!

  3. I concur with Anonymous that it is the writing that counts. As for twitter, I'd love to see you there, but can totally understand why you wouldn't do it. Although you could set up an account that would only send a tweet when you update the your blog.

  4. Gichtl vom Berge3 October 2012 at 09:34

    Well, it looks cleaner now. So I like it!

    Also, stay strong. Don't let people lure you into this colossal waste of human life, twitter, just because they're too lazy to set up a proper feed reader.

  5. Hm. I don't know how to change it back so you're stuck with this now.


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