Tuesday 26 February 2013

Four American Things

Here are four top things from America:

There's my lovely friend George Carroll talking to Chad Post (also lovely) in the Three Percent podcast - about Seagull Books, Mo Yan, Inka Parei, and how cool they both are.

There's my other lovely friend Shelley Frisch on translation at Words Without Borders' Translator Relay.

There's Daniel Kehlmann, whom I don't know personally, on his translator Carol Brown Janeway, whom I don't know either, at Publishing Perspectives.

And there's something top from Germany about something not so top about America, and that is a story by Francis Nenik to mark Bradley Manning's 1000 days in prison. The story is under a creative commons license, and I'm told that translations are definitely desired. In case anyone was looking for something excellent to translate.

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