Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Some Links for Translators

I have three places for you to go today, and one for you to go on Friday.

The British Centre for Literary Translation turns 25 this year, and is celebrating on a Tumblr. Videos, photos and texts, including a very self-obsessed one by me.

The London Book Fair has now uploaded videos of all events at the Literary Translation Centre for you to catch up on. Talks on getting into the business, working with other translators, working with dead or living authors, women in translation, and much more.

And there's now a place for translators to vent about reviews of their work, The Translator Writes Back. The first open letter is from Alison Entrekin to Justin Cartright, who refers to "countless infelicities" in his review but goes no further than that. I'm not entirely sure this new blog will lead to a constructive conversation between translators, critics, writers and readers, but I like the idea that we now have a space to respond.

Finally, if you're in Berlin you should go to this event with David Bellos and his translators on Friday. I have no idea why it's only being announced in German, because it will take place in English. See you there.

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